Ministry, church and other things

Pastors get tired.

What a way to start a blog huh? It’s true though, we become exhausted at times.

Pastors many times work second and third jobs, take care of family, work on the church property, worry about families/members in the church, pray, study for messages as well as personally, worry about church finances and personal finances…. We get tired.

Why would anyone choose a profession that usually has no retirement benefits, no overtime pay, has costumers that will name a street after you one week and run you out of town on that street the next?

Money? Fame? Recognition? These things are rare in ministry.

Growing up in a pastors home I decided at an early age I never wanted to do what my Dad did. People walk out when you drive up in a new/used car, when your vehicle is too nice/not nice enough, clothes are too nice/not nice enough on and on it goes.

Why pastor a church?

It’s because of the call. I was called to pastor at a young age and realized I needed to learn something about the profession. I began watching my Dad intently, how he prays, his love for people, his desire to see lives changed and all of a sudden people were no longer a frustration, they were a joy! I began to see that God uses ordinary lay-people to minister to Him just as much as the pastor!

When as pastors, our focus is inward, people are a frustration. If it’s all about us we will never be satisfied with their “performance”.
However, when our focus is on helping others reach their full potential all of a sudden they become a wonderful part of life. Our members/attendees become folk we can laugh,cry and rejoice with. There is a joy in serving people instead of complaining about them not serving us.

I think about my Dad often when I am ministering to an individual. His character has always been focused on meeting the needs of people. There were many times I encouraged him to go to greener pastures, bigger churches, more money etc…but he stayed. Now, I talk to people regularly who, had he left, would possibly never have met Jesus.

So you see, the reward truly is in service, in ministry, in loving. The long days and longer nights, the tears, the laughter they all lead to words I want to hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”

Until next time.

How do I vote?

With this years election looming closer with every sound bite I thought it necessary that I place my input into the arena.

This years election will likely boil down to the sitting President Obama and Mitt Romney. Of course there will be the usual lookey-loos that will vote for write-in’s, Gilligan, Daffy Duck etc…

We, as believers are in a true tight spot. I’ve said for many years “Vote the Bible” yet this year we will possibly not have this option. On the conservative side we have Mitt Romney, a Mormon. Mormonism is a religion based almost exclusively on good works, some tablets left to Joseph Smith (who was, by all intents and purposes a raging alcoholic) by an angel and a few books none of which use scripture as their basis.

On the liberal side is the sitting president Obama. A man who has repeatedly insisted that he is a Christian while supporting the Muslim brotherhood, speaking out for abortion rights and, most recently, expressed personal support for same sex marriage. These are not Christian beliefs and thus nullify any claim to Christianity.

So who do we vote for if we are voting the Bible? Neither candidate comes in line with scripture, at least, not in a manner that substantially separates one from the other.  It is truly the first time in modern history where one candidate has not appeared more “Christian” than the other.

In searching Scripture I find that we are left with no answers regarding two choices that are not in line with traditional Christian beliefs and doctrine.  What I have found though is this, if there is no obvious choice it means that God has a plan. You see, every time God’s people have had no way out, the plan of God began to be revealed. The Red Sea, the lions den, the fiery furnace and numerous others. God always showed up when there was no choice but to go through it.

This year, as believers, since we have no clear biblical choice, we must vote for the candidate that more clearly aligns with the teaching found in Scripture. Abortion, healthcare, poverty, homosexuality… These are all important social issues to be considered and they must be viewed in the light of Scripture. Which candidate more clearly aligns on the side of Scripture?

While there are numerous other topics and issues to be discussed and debated I do understand that according to Scripture the nation gets the leader they deserve. If we who are believers will return to a
life of prayer, fasting, giving, love for our neighbors and other biblical teachings we will find that our leaders reflect that same doctrine.

So who do we as believers vote for this year? Search Scripture, pray, fast, seek the mind of Christ and remember, when you’re in a tight spot, God has a plan.

Until next time